Eligibility Verification

Eligibility Verification (For PPOs and HMOs):

As owners of dental offices, we understand the complexity and the importance of dental insurance eligibility verification before a patient arrives at the office. Obtaining exact eligibility of the patient and their coverage is essential when preparing treatment plans. Our primary focus is to help you: render treatment to the patient, get accurate payment for the treatment, and avoiding the risks of claims denial without having to ask the patient for full payment.

Our team will be on top of this process. We start collecting the eligibility information for all the patients in your appointment book at least two days in advance and up to the last minute appointments.

The following steps are meticulously practiced by our team. We keep everything ready for you, so you can peacefully focus on your diagnosis and treatment without worrying about last-minute staff absences. All for a fraction of the cost of in-house verification! We will:

  • Contact insurance to verify the eligibility of your patients
  • Collect all coverage details including limitations, frequencies, history, and waiting periods
  • Update patient records with the collected information
  • Save the verification document in the patient record

At Quantuspro Solutions, our dedicated and knowledgeable team of dental insurance verification experts will provide you with our top-grade dental eligibility verification service and will ensure vigilant supervision of all information relating to the payments that are to be fulfilled from patient’s end prior or post-treatment.